a life practice
pause | reflect | practice
about us
Our offering is to inspire those who practice with us to trust their body's unique flexibility, and strength through focused awareness. Our teaching is based on individual sensitivity, alignment, and personal experience to support your wellness practices.
how we teach yoga
Our philosophy for teaching yoga has a devotional feel for spiritual health. We are a studio that offers you a place where you can sit in it, flow with it, or sift through it. Come as you are. Practices are arranged using methodology to support somatic release.
We teach yoga establishing stability within the context of moving and in stillness. While our classes have specific areas of focus by supporting proper joint function and alignment of the spine, the emphasis is on what is felt in the body as a guide to learn more about yourself in the process. Our practices support counseling, therapies and various wellness lifestyles.
why we teach yoga
Personally yoga has been a lifeline during times of extreme anxiety and depression, as well as during times of uncertainty. Yoga restores the body's central nervous system, resets the mind, and sets the heart at rest from past experiences. Practicing and teaching yoga is a consistent way to process current or past stress and traumas.
Working with yoga's philosophy to overcome the self-debilitating effects of abuse and spiritual shame our passion is to offer yoga as a way to help come back to the simple things, like taking a deep breath in to remember there is still a beautiful life to be felt fully, lived in gracefully, and walked out peacefully. Our hope is we can be a gentle reminder that we are all worth celebrating no matter where the road has taken us.